About Company
Our Company is responsible for installation of a wet-type (sliding) wire drawing machine at one of the plants in Chelyabinsk in March 2012. The aforementioned unit is intended for drawing of ultra-thin Nickel wire DKRNT 0.025 KT* in accordance with GOST 2179-75 and Technical Agreement No. 323 dated. February 17, 2010. (This document was executed in order to come to an agreement on the difference between the minimum diameter of 0.030 mm stipulated by GOST 2179-75 and the manufactured diameter, which is 5 micron wider.)
Wet-type (sliding) wire drawing machine allows manufacturing wire of a required quality. Also, our engineers managed to achieve the maximum efficiency and increase economic lifetime of the drawing tools due to direct guiding of the wire into the drawing die; the number of drafts was increased up to 31. The metal abrasive wear settling on the drawing die shall be washed off by intense direct cooling, lubrication and spray treatment. Thus, to ensure this, there are the separate washing nozzles provided. The devices also provide reliable and effective lubrication of drawing dies and heat dissipation from the drawing area.